
Belly after Birth!

Numbers on the scale mean nothing. How your body feels and what it is capable of mean everything. Skinny is nothing without muscle. I never want my girls to believe being “skinny” is what makes them beautiful, strength is beauty.

But alas, I can not explain this without using numbers… so deal with it for a moment.

4 years ago I weighed 115lbs. I was lifting and running and felt amazing. I was tiny but strong. The world was good.



Pre pregnancy I was bouncing from 130-135. I wasn’t running well, wasn’t very happy, and wasn’t feeling healthy. I had many excuses and the more times I told myself those excuses were OK, the more I came up with. Kids has always been a big one, I’m a Mom of 5 after all…. running was just “selfish” despite that I am a better Mom when I’m feeling healthy. Definitely a “down” moment in my health and fitness.

This pregnancy got me outside. It started with a hike up Humphrey’s at 5 weeks pregnant with all my little people, and ended with my running 24 miles in my 38th week and hiking 4 miles an hour before I delivered. I ran or hiked 469.9miles during my pregnancy. January was my largest month in over a year with 94.6 miles and over 13,000 feet of climbing. I felt amazing.


At my last visit to the midwife before birth I weighed 147lbs.

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6 days after giving birth I weigh 128lbs.


yes, I am very sleepy!


That is insane to me. There is still fluid, my uterus isn’t totally shrunk, but I’m still below my pre pregnancy weight.

Why does that matter? Because it is proof I GAINED fitness during my pregnancy which is CRAZY. I get that I wasn’t in my ideal shape before, but gaining fitness? Just crazy. I felt great, ran well, and am proud of every step I took.

While the scale doesn’t matter I am beyond excited to see what my body is capable of now (well when I get the OK to work out again). After all the care I gave it during pregnancy I look forward to seeing how it will treat me not pregnant.

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