Posts Tagged With: Large families

This One Time-

All my shit was stolen. No joke, all my shit was stolen. I came home a couple of months ago and my house was broken into and anything I had of value was take… The only thing really important was my computer. Yeah, that fucking sucks. My kids were pretty OK with it… well except Teagan. Tea tends to get more emotionally involved in things then the rest of the kids. We all talked a lot about the value of objects and concluded that though it is crappy, the world does not come to an end. Great reminder for the kids, shitty that I no longer have a computer.

Then I was kicked out of my house. Yeah, true story. So they tried to kick me out while I was pregnant,  9 months pregnant! Who thinks that’s a good idea?!?! Obviously I stayed longer and gave birth to Mr. Taggart in my home, but then we moved. It was hard leaving the place Tag was born, but the kids and I looked at it as a new adventure. Well, except Tea. Again she gets more emotionally invested then the other kids. She understood everything that was happening and was hurt, but she worked through it seeing that I was OK. All she needs is to know that Mommy is ok and she finds her own strength.

Now the car is gone. NO JOKE! Now you see, this here is life. It is messy. It isn’t easy. BUT if you take the time to see the beauty in it life does moves forward and good things do come. I could be upset, but I could also just choose to move on, move forward, be awesome.

This is not a “woe is me” story, this is a reminder to always be resilient. Life is a constant adventure, good and bad. I refuse to let other people’s anger and unhappiness dictate how my world will go. I have 6 wonderful children with beautiful hearts who remind me every day that love and compassion are the priority. Anger is an emotion used to cover up pain… All these moments in my life have been a great example of that and an opportunity to “practice what I preach” to my children. I choose kindness. I choose happiness. I choose to move forward.

Categories: Single Life | Tags: , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Don’t I Have Enough Already?!?

If you don’t follow my youtube channel (what the hell is wrong with you?!?)

Yes, I “needed” more!




I found out I was pregnant the day before I left for my summer adventure with the kids.  The idea of living outside with 5 children and a dog while growing a human inside me sounded daunting, but I was all in. I made the choice to tell only my bestie Lala because I knew the worry that would come. I knew people would be uncomfortable with the choices I was making. Even without my Dad knowing, when he found out I would sleep in the middle of nowhere in my car when I didn’t have the kids he tried offering me money for a hotel. People, my family, anyone not living in this world of silly outdoor adventuring would not understand and I didn’t want to deal with the judgement.

Now living in a tent in bear country with morning sickness sucks. Where normally you can have crackers by the bed and try to curb the nauseousness upon waking up, I had to wait until children where awake, help get little people dressed, hike up a hill to the car, and start breakfast for a bunch of hungry heathens. By the time food was ready I was usually beyond the point of being able to eat and the drive to our next adventure would usually involve some stops for breathing breaks while I tried to contain the vomit. To make matters worse, when you have 5 kids and spend 10 hours a day hiking it’s hard to care for yourself. Often I would realize I ate one cliff bar all day… Not such an awesome idea…

My kids were great though. While they didn’t know they are very observant and kind and I found the older ones especially checking on how much I was eating. They figured I was saving all the snacks for them and would offer me theirs, and I would try to not dry heave in front of them. Carrying a 35lb toddler on your back up a mountain while doing your best to not vomit on yourself really keeps the day interesting. In case you missed it, here are a couple adventures we went on while in my first trimester-

So the kids would leave for a week and I would find myself recovering. Orange juice and apple juice became my crutch for a while. I would wake up and immediately drive to the store. Some mornings I could function ok after chugging some juice, others I found myself just trying to recover from the week prior. At some point juice just didn’t cut it and I moved on to root beer, yup, healthy. Root beer and a cliff bar was my diet some days, and I will not apologize for this! There is no good vegan food in the mountains of colorado! I was dying! All I wanted was something delicious, but I had no idea what that was. I really found myself longing for a bed, terrible television, and delicious food. Oh the dreams I had! Mind you, when I didn’t have my kids and actually had myself together enough to be around people that wasn’t easy either. I now found myself lying and coming up with excuses as to why I wasn’t drinking. Nothing makes you feel like an alcoholic more then people being dumbfounded that you aren’t drinking… *sigh*

So, We Survived! And now we are back to the normal grind of school busyness. Second Trimester and trying to run in the heat is pretty miserable, but I’m hoping to push through. We have some exciting adventures planned for the future!

Even with this giant mass growing...

Even with this giant mass growing…

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Silence is Golden

All too often I find myself contradicting the way I “want” to parent and going against any and all research I have done, basically taking the easy way out. Many days I find myself raising my voice to them, as if the problem really is they can’t hear me and not that they are just being little assholes. The reality is no matter how much they pretended they didn’t hear me, they did, they simply didn’t agree with what I was saying. So now I have basically taught them the less someone listens the louder you should get, problem fixed right? THEN when they do get loud as I don’t respond to their constant requests for a snack while I’m on the phone, I get upset with them for being loud? Shocking right?

Today I have barely any voice and my throat hurts, always awesome feeling terrible and taking care of 5 little people…sigh…  Talking in a whisper doesn’t hurt as badly, so whisper it is. Now here is the amazing thing people, my children can still hear me! When they ask a question they actually pay attention to the answer I give knowing I will not be speaking any louder. Fancy right? Even better is how quiet their voices get, like there is some awesome chain reaction of not screaming at the top of our lungs in a tiny house with too many people in it!

I remember back in the day when I only had a couple of kids and my go-to was always a whisper. Even with tantruming toddlers, it throws them off just enough to mess with their “I want what I want mood”. It slows everyone down and forces everyone to actually pay attention to one another. I know I sound crazy, but just give it a try! The next time you have 10 people talking to you at once, respond with a whisper. Watch as the chaos stops so they can hear you, the small bit of silence is golden! I make no promises that it will last more than 20 seconds, but sometimes 20 seconds can be all you need to get some sanity back!

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