Monthly Archives: June 2013

Yup… That’s how it goes…

Some days start out normally then turn to hot mess in a flash… You know, just to keep in interesting.

Yesterday morning was awesome. Let’s remember at this point Seth is still in Phoenix taking care of dog stuff so its just me and five crazy hoodlums. The kids played at the creek and left me pretty much alone to do a little relaxing, sweet! Except really you should always assume shit will hit the fan if you have it too good.

Yup I do it all.

Yup I do it all.

After lunch, we headed on a little walk to the grocery store to get food for dinner and a little snack before the kids did a couple loops on the Silverton 6,12,24-hour course. I mean I had “found” $20 in my pocket, didn’t feel like hitting up the thrift store, so opted for snacks and dinner.

Walk to the grocery store turned into ride mommy to the store. Tru needed a ride since he is well, a baby, and Tenny’s tummy hurt (thanks Lala and myself for teaching her this).

Always bring to Mei Tai's, ALWAYS!

Always bring to Mei Tai’s, ALWAYS!

Nectarine for a snack and something for dinner in the bag and we headed to the ski lodge so I could steal internet and the big kids could run, perfect. I scared my mom when talking to her on the phone about bears being in the area and that I hadn’t seen the Big kids for a while, So she told me that I needed to look… ugh.. damn kids. Apparently Tajh’s knee hurt so he wouldn’t let Tea run, slow lap, fine be done for the day just play. The kids playing feeding squirrels, me scared of rabies, but still getting work done…

Baby Kisses

Baby Kisses

The I hear Tenny screaming across the parking lot and Tajh is running her over to me repeating “Don’t look at the blood look at mommy! Don’t look at the blood look at mommy!”

I calmly stand, move to the steps and sit while I wait for Tajh to bring her the rest of the way.

I say: “Hey guys whats happening?”

There is blood, lots of blood. She may have lost the front of both big toes.

I stay calm and remove my Original Buff from my head.

“Tay grab my phone” (Yup I keep it calm and remember how important instagram is)

Letting go of fashion to help out my Little Lady. Gotta Love how Original Buff's are great for everything!

Letting go of fashion to help out my Little Lady. Gotta Love how Original Buff’s are great for everything!

Cover bleeding toes

try not to cry myself

I hate blood

Me: “Hey Tenny want to call someone while Mommy cleans your toes?”

Assholes dont answer!

Music? Yes Mackelmore Thrift Shop (yes I made that reference earlier, foreshadowing?)

Cleaned toes, post blog,  need to get back to camp… waited for a while for someone to show up so we could hitch a ride to camp (1/4 mile) but no one did.

Little Lady=Big Helper! But not all the way to camp unfortunately.

Little Lady=Big Helper! But not all the way to camp unfortunately.

Damn gotta walk… Wear Tru, carry Tenny. Tay is whining and limping because his feet are a hot mess too… awesome..

Back to camp, start dinner, bandaids on Tenny, vaseline and put socks on Tay, life is good again.

Feed kids, clean dishes, damn Tru has chili in his hair.

Undress Tru, Tea watch him by the creek while I take dishes back to camp.

Shit Tru is screaming “Tea what happened?” “I don’t know” ugh…

Wash Tru, bring him back to camp, oh shit Tay just fell out of a camping chair

and Tenny peed in one..

My life…

Is it bedtime yet?

+1 shows up, rewrap Tenny’s feet, get kids clean and in pajamas, send into tent.

Loud crazy sounds from tent and then very loud ABC’s- My kids rock

I think I lost my mind. Or i'm in an abusive relationship... really either one.

I think I lost my mind. Or i’m in an abusive relationship… really either one.

Then Seth shows up, at 9;30 at night… Yup I think I deserve mother of the year.

Categories: Our Homeless Summer, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Oh where oh where has our little Baya dog gone..

If it isn’t one thing, it’s another, right?

We got our dog Baya from a rescue when she was just a puppy. We were told she was a

German Short haired Pointer and maybe possibly mixed with pit bull. She was super cute and very playful. One of our first adventures with her was a super crazy day of sketchy hiking. She was the perfect puppy for us.

I have very specific rules about kids and dogs, they are never to be alone together. Basically neither dogs nor kids should ever be trusted! I also don’t believe dogs should be treated like people.

So we began our big homeless summer at my +1’s race. Baya was tied to the van and people wandered over to pet her and she happily rolled over giving everyone her belly to rub. At some point, some little dogs showed up and were pretty yappy which caused Baya to decide to bark too. Tajh and Tea were getting ready to run, Seth was out running already, Tay was all over the place, and I had the babies. I grabbed Baya’s leash and took her with me to watch the big two start. Everything was fine, the big kids took off and I walked over to put Baya back and the babies to bed. I stopped to talk for a minute. My +1’s brother was moving about taking care of all the race stuff and happened to duck under the flags next to the little two, Baya, and me. The first pass was fine, but apparently Baya did not like his second go past, and without knocking over the 2 children standing next to her, bit him, on the neck. Not knowing how bad the bite was, I of course freaked out. My doofus of a dog has never reacted to people that way. I had no idea what to think. Hindsight it makes sense, she was protecting her little people.

Baby love.

Baby love.

So I yelled at Seth, said we weren’t taking her, and he didn’t agree. It was decided we would be more careful. Fact is she is a great running partner, amazing pack mule for hiking, the kids best friend, and usually she pays no attention to people. Ok plan B, she will be kenneled anytime there are lots of people around, I can live with that.

Or can I? So a couple days ago Seth was putting Tru in the car, which means the sliding door was open and Seth had his back to it. Tay was playing in the front seat, and everyone else was off somewhere else. A friend of ours (who, yes, knew what had happened prior) came by the car and went to pet Baya. All Seth hears was a snap, fuck. She got him on the face. Clearly his presence in her area with the kids involved was not ok with her.



Please note that both of these times she had already been on a run that day. It wasn’t being over excited, lack of exercise, she was calm both times prior. It was simple protection.

Our hard worker taking a rest after summiting her first 14er.

Our hard worker taking a rest after summiting her first 14er.

So what do we do? I literally watch my children put their hands in her mouth and take food from her. I watch her go on runs with the kids. I watch them ride her, lay on her, cuddle with her, poke her, why did she have to do this? In no way do I want to get rid of my dog, in no way is it her fault, but she can’t stay with us on our trip. We are around too many people, friends and strangers. This cannot happen again.

Baby hugs.

Baby hugs.

So as I write Seth is in Phoenix with her. We contacted the rescue we got her from and they were kind enough to take her in until we get back. Once we are home we will find the perfect training for her and spend whatever it takes for her to learn protecting the kids does not mean snapping at anyone.

The best reading buddy.

The best reading buddy.

Maybe we are terrible people. Maybe we are doing the right thing. But, she is our dog. The kids love her, and we will do everything we can for her to stay a part of our family.

This guy is really going to miss his best friend for the next couple of months....

This guy is really going to miss his best friend for the next couple of months….

Categories: Our Homeless Summer | Tags: , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

What kids do when they don’t have a screen to consume them.

At home (before this crazy trip) we did own a tv. Along with that, we have a computer, iPad, iPhones, and a Kindle. Obviously we are on the “less than” end in the electronics department, but I like that. We didn’t have cable but we did have a DVD player. When people watched our children they were usually welcome to turn on a movie or two and on some Friday nights the children had  “movie party” where they watched a couple of movies before falling asleep. We are music lovers so that has always been huge in our house. Dance parties are a regular event and at times they also watch music videos for some songs. Basically, screen time was at a minimum in our house already, but even so having no option is a pretty large change.


The oldest two are huge readers. Tajh, especially, is known to try to bring a book to the dinner table. This problem is so bad (yes I call it a problem!) that my plan to “just get you new books at the used book store on our trip” is not working. This kid will read a book OR TWO a day, and yes he can tell you exactly what happens in each book. So at this point he has resorted to asking his little sister to borrow her books, or waiting until she falls asleep and “borrowing” them. Ugh… Seth has actually allowed him to use the iPad to borrow books from libraries which I myself am highly against. The little ones as well enjoy reading and are happy to have any and all books read and reread to them a hundred times. So my kids are readers… rough I know…

So when they aren’t hiking crazy mountains, running awesome trails, or reading, what do I do with them? Don’t they drive me crazy? Don’t I need a screen to babysit them so I can “get things done”? Well… they are playing of course!

Yesterday a game of choice was football. Although we do have balls with us (not a football though) they used each other as the ball. They played this for a while, giggles at how silly it was, and eventually moved on to new and different things.

They talk about books. Its kinda funny to hear Tajh and Tea having read the same books discussing them and deciding to act them out. For a while our dog Baya was a horse from the book they had both just read and they were all different people in the story. On our last hike we found an old train car and they had a great time talking about being in The Boxcar Children books and who would be which characters. I remember reading them the entire Chronicles of Narnia series and them loving to recreate the entire story and even the little ones being part of the game. The great worlds kids can create after being inspired by books is ridiculous, and sometimes if I don’t get a character too I feel a little left out!

They play in creeks, simply that. They get wet, make bridges, throw rocks. There are no rules here which is perfect!

Yes he did fall in eventually!

Yes he did fall in eventually!

She was "ice skating".

She was “ice skating”.












They build forts, and inform you its a “lean-to” not a house because that would have been more difficult.

Nicely built! Not that I'm bias or anything...

Nicely built! Not that I’m bias or anything…

They get dirty, because kids are suppose to!

This baby is never clean, but still cute!

This baby is never clean, but still cute!

They play with their little siblings, and even decide to wear them!

Making my life easier!

Making my life easier!

Two pretty Ladies!

Two pretty Ladies!













Now most of these things to do will not work for helicopter parents. You have to be willing to take a step back and let the kids just be kids. I try to never give my children the ideas for their games, as I believe they are much better at playing than I am. I like to sit back and watch them create a new world, actively engaged with the natural work, being children. Basically if you have no read Last Child in the Woods By Richard Louv, DO IT NOW! Awesome thoughts on how we need to send our children outside, to learn to love nature. I’m going to pat myself on the back and say I’m doing a pretty darn good job!


Categories: Our Homeless Summer, Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

We got kicked out of our first campsite!

Thats a milestone right? Apparently it is a park and we are not aloud to camp there… the fire rings had us confused, oh well.

Pretty sweet view.

Pretty sweet view.

Our spot was so awesome you didn't even need pants!

Our spot was so awesome you didn’t even need pants!

So we spent a couple nights in a pretty awesome spot in Silverton. Gave me some free access to wifi will the children played and gave Seth a chance to head up the the avalanche shoot to the top of Kendall mountain, pretty cool stuff. But then we were told we couldn’t stay…oops.










We decided to head out the “the bus” and were slightly lied to about how far this adventure would be (thanks to my +1!). Sometimes its nice to have no idea what you are in for during the day and to just take it nice and slow with no expectations. It took us 3 hours to make the trek and we were greeted by a kids dream.

Up we go! To where we don't know!

Up we go! To where we don’t know!

A pretty Lady and an awesome bus! Could this picture be any better?!

A pretty Lady and an awesome bus! Could this picture be any better?!




The kids played, ate, and explored an old mine shaft (maybe it was). A great time was had by all but eventually the clouds began rolling in and it was time to head back down.






Taking in the view!

Taking in the view!



I decided to mapmyrun it on the way down to check out the distance, only a 6+ miles down… hmmm thats why it took so long to get up! There was a small injury which is the tell tale sign of a great time!

So dangerous!

So dangerous!

Today was spend on the Silverton 6,12,24 hour course. Its a one mile loop with 250 feet gain, pretty awesome. Tea had a great time rock’n it with Daddy and knocking out 10 miles, while Tajh took a nice dive and wrecked himself at 8. Tay even managed to get 3 miles in!

Little Lady wrecking it.

Little Lady wrecking it.















Little sisters can be super helpful! Wound cleaning at it's best!

Little sisters can be super helpful! Wound cleaning at it’s best!

We have a couple more sleeping in the car nights ahead of us. We all seem to enjoy the nomadicness is allows. No tent to put up and take down, just a grill to get out and cook on. It gives us the freedom of kind of going wherever we want without too much stress, pretty sweet.


Ultimate Direction add?

Ultimate Direction add?

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Random non 14er Talk

A quick fill in to keep you all up to date! (seriously I know you can’t live without my words!)

After finishing Redcloud I knew I would need a little break from big mountains (I’m still possibly maybe, kinda broken and not willing to risk real injury and count myself out of all the fun for the rest of the trip). We headed to Ouray and decided sleeping in the car instead of setting up all our camping stuff would be best.

Sneaky Lady!

Sneaky Lady!


We found a nice little cooking spot and I perfected my biscuits and gravy recipe. All the little people love kicking it by the creek, throwing rocks, building stuff, and generally being hoodlums. I love the ease in cleaning dishes! (don’t judge I have a lot to clean…)

Hoodlums and to shenanigans I'm sure.

Hoodlums and to shenanigans I’m sure.


Jealous? Just come by, I'll cook you up something yummy too.

Jealous? Just come by, I’ll cook you up something yummy too.














Our awesome side of the road sleeping spot also brought some new friends!

New friends!

New friends!


The big 2 took a run up the Camp Bird road with Daddy (part of the Hardrock course) and enjoyed some fresh waterfall water and some awesome views. It was in small part a reconnaissance mission to see if this crazy Mom would be able to make the drive to the trail head for Mount Sneffels, a 14er that would be super fun! We began the drive and I made it to what looked like a crazy turn, huge drop off, and gnarly overhang… needless to say I freaked and backed out. Seth and the kids were awesome to take it on by foot, I’m thinking it might be a go… maybe…

They love exploring on foot!

They love exploring on foot!

While they ran, the little 3 and I hung out. Tay found his first snake in the wild! Apparently he even gets scared! He was the awesome little brother that he is and watched over the snake until Tajh came back so he could share in the awesomeness.

Kickin it Tenny style! "Mommy why can't I jump into the creek from here?!"

Kickin it Tenny style! “Mommy why can’t I jump into the creek from here?!”

Snake! Tay was "still shaking" for a while after the spotting.

Snake! Tay was “still shaking” for a while after the spotting.













After this big adventure we headed into Ouray to wander the streets and play in the Hot Springs. This was a big promise after our Redcloud summit for the kids and I have to say they were not disappointed! Both Tru and Tenny just finished ISR (youtube it) swim lessons and had a great time swimming, floating, and showing off!

After another night in the car, it’s Father’s day and Seth and the children are off exploring together while I do this silly blog thing!

I have to say, being homeless now for over a week now has been amazing. No plans, no obligations, just riding whichever way the wind takes us is pretty freeing! Not sure what tomorrow holds, but I can tell you it will probably be epic!

Do I look homeless or crazy? Maybe both?!

Do I look homeless or crazy? Maybe both?!


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We made it into Silverton on Tuesday evening. We came in late, so it was already dark by the time we got into Town. We decided that it would be easier to sleep in the van since most of the kids were already asleep anyway and the idea of setting up camp in the dark did not appeal to either of us.

We spent the morning at a coffee shopping updating our last blog and allowing the children to explore the town. One thing I truly love is allowing our children to be a little more “free”.  They shared conversations with people, looked in window shops, and we wrote and somewhat “got our shit together”. It was decided at that point they we needed to go big, so why not head out to Lake City. We drove the four hours and set up camp with two options for the next morning, Redcloud and Sunshine peaks, or Handies, Sabrina’s arch nemesis.

Feral Children!

Feral Children!

Redcloud was our first 14’er that we decided to tackle. The trail to the peak was about 3.5 miles and then went on another mile and a half to Sunshine Peak, an adjacent barely 14’er (14,001’). We hike about two miles in starting from our camp at the Grizzly Gulch/Silver Creek Trailhead. As we rose above the tree line, we came into an absolutely surreal basin that led us up to a saddle where the climb became truly challenging (both steep and challenging terrain). This last mile had us climbing 1,500’ to the summit over loose rocks and sheer drop-offs into the basin on the opposing side of the saddle that we had climbed. Each with a 30lb kid on our backs and three littles on their feet, this was nerve racking to say the least.


Our home for a couple nights.

Our home for a couple nights.

This guy looks ready to hike!

This guy looks ready to hike!













–A digression from Sabrina- I HATE hills. It’s bad. Like when I am running the smallest little “hill” (speed-bump) gives me the excuse to walk. Yup… I’m a giant girl… Even worse though is my absolute fear of any and all downward slopes. All that comes into my head whether is be at a baseball stadium in the upper level, a concert, silly little hill, roof top, is me slipping and rolling down. Obviously, I knew these mountains that we were going to tackle would have both of these two dreaded things, but I knew I had to tackle them. So… I cried… a lot. About 500 feet from the summit I just lost it. There was a switch back that literally came to the sheer edge of the cliff and all I could think about was myself, Seth, or one of the kids on the way down loosing footing and slipping off the edge.

Anxiety attack at 13,500 feet. Clearly Tenny wasn't bothered by my breakdown! Nice shot by Seth!

Anxiety attack at 13,500 feet. Clearly Tenny wasn’t bothered by my breakdown! Nice shot by Seth!

I could not get myself together for a good couple of minutes. Eventually Seth came down, and I waved him off, stood up, and kept on trucking. I find that even though my children see me at the depths of a panic attack, they also see me stand up, face the fear, and keep moving. I feel like I show them fear is something you push through, not something you sit in. Although on the inside I may have still been a giant girl!

Boys at the summit! Tru couldn't be bothered to wake up for the event.

Boys at the summit! Tru couldn’t be bothered to wake up for the event.

Girls at the summit! I stopped crying (almost) for the picture!

Girls at the summit! I stopped crying (almost) for the picture!












We hit the summit around 12:45pm. There was a brief discussion about heading on to Sunrise Peak, however, storm clouds approaching from the West quickly settled that. The hike down was nerve racking for many. The grade along with the slippery terrain was a bit much at times. While making our descent some small snowflakes graced us with their presence which was a welcomes surprise for all.

Scary clouds!

Scary clouds!

As with all our descents the moral was lifted. The kids were happily spotting marmots and enjoying playful conversation with each other.  It’s amazing what children share with you 5 hours in at 12,000 feet!

Break Time!

Break Time!

Happy kids!

Happy kids!














Lessons learned from Redcloud-

-Sabrina will cry at 13,500 feet, probably every time

-Tay will bonk an hour in to every hike, plan accordingly

– All the children really want to do is play in the snow patches

– The children do not like dates in Sabrina’s camping banana bread

Yum! Well not the dates apparently...

Yum! Well not the dates apparently…


-8 bean/tortilla rollups

-2 packages Clif Black Cherry shot blocks

-3 White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Clif Crunch Bars

-2 Squeeze packs of apple sauce

-2 Chocolate Chip Clif Bars

-5 Strawberry Clif Twisted Fruit bars

-1 Strawberry Stinger Waffle

-1 Peanut Butter Cookie Lara Bar

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And so our big adventure begins. For our first stop, we decided to take advantage of some local adventure that Arizona has to offer. We stopped in Flagstaff to make a little jaunt up Humphreys Peak, which tops out at 12,633’ above the Coconino National Forest. This also allowed us to try everything out (Gear, Food, Clothing, Etc.), before we are in Colorado and wrecking every 14’er we can get our happy little feet on.


As we begin any epic adventure, it is super-critical to keep in mind that planning is important, but being flexible is mandatory for success and happiness. We packed up our nutrition (See list below), water, Kids Camelbaks, The North Face wind/rain Shells, Ruffwear pack for our furry pack mule, our mei tai’s for wearing the littles, and of course everyones’ Buff’s for the day. We headed up from the Humphreys Trailhead in lot 9 of the Snow Bowl Parking lot West of Flagstaff.

First step is always to strap the hoodlum on your back!

First step is always to strap the hoodlum on your back!

Things always look amazing at the start of a hike with kids. No summit to be seen, no idea what the terrain will hold, everyone is optimistic. When you have 5, that optimism can’t be expected to last long. While asking “how much futher is it?”, or “when are we going to get there?” and other terrible kid questions that we don’t allow, someone is bound to bonk. About an hour in Tay (6) was clearly falling into the “not enough nutrition or water” category. Using incentives (not bribes, incentives are very different!) sparingly is always important. We gave a time, “hey would you like a chocolae brownie Clif Z-bar in another half an hour? We can take a nice break them”, and that helped hold him off for a while longer. Although that “half an hour” may have only been 15 minutes but luckily none of them wear watches. There were some tears during this long, dreary, sad walk to the speacial treat (they never get these unless they are doing something senious), lucky his Buff came in handy to wipe them (and his messy face) away.


Sad Tay. Just a little Bonk, nothing a little special snack can't handle!

Sad Tay. Just a little Bonk, nothing a little special snack can’t handle!



The summit brought winds that scared many of the littles (maybe an adult too). At one point Tea and Sabrina lay face down attempting to avoid the high winds which seemed like they could push both of them off the mountain. Tajh on the other hand loved jumping from rock to rock and hiding from the winds. Frolicking around the summit screaming “I’m on the top of Arizona!” This kid is a hiker, through and through. Funny to note in almost any race he and Tea race he is the first to break down while Tea has a head down, no complaints approach. Yet, it was Tea who was complaining and unhappy at points during this hike, while Tajh was overly positive forcing us all to make threats on the safety of his nose.

Boys at the summit!

Boys at the summit!




Ladies at the summit!

Ladies at the summit!










Tajh in his element.

Tajh in his element.

Heading down is always welcome. Although some of the children’s feet were wrecked, there was a much more positive vibe in the group. They were proud of themselves, happy to have accomplished this, and happy to be heading back to the van. The little two were worn on our backs for almost 8 1/2hours, and they were happy to be on the ground again! This is just the begining of our adventures, but by far this is the hardest mountain we have conquered, to date. I see our failures (not feeding them early enough in the hike) and our wins (staying positive despite this). We are ready. Ready for the next amazing adventure we find ourselves in, or really just the next time we get to spend 8 ½ hours with nothing to pay attention to except putting one foot in front of the other and talking to our little people, that’s epic.

Finally the poor Little Littles got a break from being on our backs!

Finally the poor Little Littles got a break from being on our backs!


Totally worth the view!

Totally worth the view!













Three packages Black Cherry Shot Bloks,

Strawberry Stinger Waffle,

Two Strawberry Banana Gu Gels,

Cherry Lime Gu Gel,

Chocolate Raspberry Gu Gel,

Chocolate Cherry Clif Shot Gel,

Two Peanut Butter Cookie Lara Bars,

Three Chocolate Brownie cliff z bars,

Oatmeal Cookie cliff z bar,

Four peanut butter date sandwiches


$46 worth of Chipotle… yup we were those assholes holding up the line for 6 burritos, a kids meal, and chips. Sorry…








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And we are off!

Here it goes! This crazy, grand, amazing, extreme adventure in how to live life as awesome/adventuring/fun/kind/crazy divorced parents is underway.We spend yesterday out at Aravaipa Runnings night race Adrenaline, setting up then the big 2 and Seth ran. Unfortunately both Tajh and Tea ended up running alone at points, which at night is not much fun when you are little. Tajh finished the 13k but was pretty dehydrated  from the 100 degree temps at night. Seth ended up catching up to dehydrated, dry heaving, and generally sad/tired Tea. A rescue mission was hatched and my Lady Friend Lala and I picked them up. After some forced fluids by us parentals and some sleep my little Lady is doing well.

The plan for the next week for so is to hang in flagstaff, hike Humphrey’s and head to Silverton. The kids are stoked for none 100 degree weather and some creeks to play in!

Traveling with kids tip for the day- always be willing to smile and laugh no matter what happens. The plan is gonna change no matter what you do. Someone will go potty in their car seat, vomit, or scream the entire drive, your job to to choose to be flexible! (Coming from the Queen of control freaks!)

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