Posts Tagged With: Running while pregnant

Taggart James- The story of almost having a baby on a mountain.

Because I like to do everything myself.

Because I can fix a toilet while pregnant and taking care of 5 kids.

Because I decided being pregnant wasn’t going to stop me from getting out and running (or “running”)

Because running a half marathon at 37 1/2 weeks pregnant sounded like a fun idea. And it was.

During my pregnancy I ran a lot, mostly alone, tanned my giant belly, and made many people uncomfortable with my choices (slack lining well pregnant is an adventure!)

So basically I was setting myself up for a crazy birthing story. And boy did I deliver!

I was pretty sure the baby was coming out soon starting on Wednesday night. I ran on the canal with friends and really felt great. I hit 24 miles for the week that night and could not figure out why in the world I was feeling so awesome running. I felt like I could have run more that night, and I wasn’t feeling slow at all. Weird… and I ate a decent amount of food after, even weirder.

Thursday I decided to not run. My legs and unmentionable areas hurt (hello ligaments that loosen for birthing) and I just thought I would give myself a break. I did have moments of sadness wondering if I was squandering my last opportunity to run pregnant but I distracted myself with cleaning, shopping, and cake eating. None of those went well. I found myself beyond annoyed with people, I couldn’t really eat, but I guess the cleaning was OK (OCD much?). Thursday night I had fantasies of eating hoards of food but was too nauseous and just could not sleep. I was alone in the house awake, all night and could not figure out what was going on…

Until at 3am I rolled over “shit I peed myself..”. Up to the bathroom I would go, back to bed, another “shit I peed myself”, another bathroom visit… yes, super fun. In the back of my mind I knew my water was leaking but I also have a very hard time with the idea of being “the girl who cries labor”. I’ve always waited a long time to call my midwives and really thought I had a good handle on it this time. So I spent the night watching terrible television, trying to eat the cake and failing miserably, and lots of bathroom visits.

And lots of shorts changing… Because apparently putting a pad on was just not in my option bank at that point.

When it was finally a normal hour and the sun was up I decided to go for a hike. First I showered, because that makes total sense! In the shower I was having some contractions but nothing too terrible, I clearly have time here. New shorts, grabbed Piper and out the door I went.  I was too uncomfortable to run, but why not hike in the mountains alone while I’m having “mild and irregular” contractions? I would be fine of course, I had my phone. I talked with the older kids dad for a while as he was planning on bringing the kids by for the birth (which was so awesome of him) and he pointed out “well you are talking through the contractions so you have some time”.

Yeah I did, I have time…. I texted people, made jokes, and figured I would hike 4 miles then head home and have plenty of time. Ouch…



Important note- I’ve vented about this before (  ) But assholes with your dogs off leash!?! Two, yea TWO dogs ran at Piper and I while we were hiking. I’m pretty sure those owners would thank their lucky stars they survived after their dogs ran at a laboring woman and her giant dog. Ugh…



“Am I peeing myself of just leaking?”

I actually stopped to pee… I’m not sure why, I wouldn’t have noticed the difference… Luckily I put on a lot of Body Glide before I left the house (it works for amniotic fluid leaking chaffing protection too! Where’s my sponsorship?!)


Dance party through contractions…

At some point I was stopping a lot. I could not go up hill while having a contraction so it was dancing or standing still. And yes, lots of cursing loudly. If you were near the Phoenix mountains between 9 and 11 on Friday morning you may have heard me!

I was texting my friend Liz who I have known for almost 11 years now (important note, we met on baby center when our oldest girls were 6 months. We met on the internet and decided to meet in person and neither of us were murderers!) At some point she said “I am thinking this baby is just going to fall out. Please go home!” And really, that was it. For some reason her saying it made me flip out just a little. Also, possibly that “pressure on my bottom” I was feeling added to my agreeing to head back.  So as I was about home I called my midwife…

10:44- “I can’t really time them, they may just be strong since I’m hiking…”

“Go home and drink something. Lay down for 20 minutes and time them, then call me back”

Home I came (after i finished my 4 miles!) and I tried to lay down. Piper begins barking and I have to go bring her inside… I lay down again-oh shit I need to make the bed-Oh shit contractions Oh shit I can’t lay down – Oh shit- Oh Shit- Call midwife 11:17

“hey so I can’t lay down…”

“because they hurt too much?”


“I’ll be right there

Seth shows up with Tea and Tru. I am way too worked up to sit and have a conversation with the kids. I felt terrible but I just couldn’t talk through the contractions.

Seth “What? you don’t want to have a conversation with me” (comedic genius)

Me “Go fuck yourself!”

Seth “Well I’ll take these guys and feed them, let me know how things are going and I’ll bring them back”

Midwife gets here at 11:37

Checks me- 9 cm…

Text Seth “ok now…”

Mom shows up and all I can ask for is her to clean the bathroom so I can take a shower in a clean environment after. Priorities!

11:47- I start pushing, because I am NOT waiting on anyone. It’s important to note I am very disappointed with how terribly I took the pushing. I think there was added stress in the room and just in general I wasn’t in the head space I should have been in . Instead of working with my contractions and understand this little one just wanted out I was fighting everything and making it worse. I also should have eaten more, I mean, I was on the mountain for almost 2 hours… and maybe hydrated… I was exhausted… But, he came out!

12:08- Cord around his little neck was unwrapped and I brought him to my chest. For the first time I was the one that got to look and was so excited to see he was a boy! ( I really did not have a girl’s name I loved and with a tween girl I had decided I can handle boys better!) 8lbs 3oz – 21 1/4 inches. 1 week early.

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People showed up, things happened, I showered (me showering twice in one day?!?!) And the world was pretty sweet!

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Laboring alone was very odd for me. I was literally on my own and in the mountains until 9cm. I’ve always had people around as a labored but this time the mountains gave me my strength. Damn, that’s pretty beautiful! I spent 2 hours in the mountain laboring and just an hour at home before this little man came into my world. I am beyond thankful.

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His name! With nearly ever baby I’ve had I considered the name Taggart. It’s my Grandpa’s last name and he had 4 girls, seems only fair to add it to my list of T’s. In the end it just never felt right for any of my Littles… Until this little guy. I had always felt like he was a boy but never really admitted it to anyone.  Taggart just felt like his name, my baby Tag. His middle name is James. Lets get confusing- It’s my Dad’s name, my brother’s middle name, AND when Tru came to me it was his middle name, oh and my cousins middle name. Overused? Maybe! But Taggart James is a strong name for this strong Little Man!

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Categories: Parenting | Tags: , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Hey Asshole Dog Owners!

I get it, your dog is friendly, I don’t care! If your dog is off leash it better be under control  which means NOT leaving your side or coming anywhere near my dog or kids. If your dog begins following us we are not stopping to help you get your dog back. Yup, I’m an asshole. My dog is ON leash (except maybe in the backcountry where you see no one) and I’m not responsible for your poor decisions.

Now, if your dog is on a leash and you can not control it we have even more issues. If your dog is going to pull toward the giant pregnant lady and her dog running on the trail, maybe you should not be on the trail! How about being a little more particular on where you walk your dog? Not only is it dangerous to my dog (I really don’t need my dog bitten because your dog is stronger then you) but if I end up falling because your dog trips me I promise you that won’t go well for you.

Just move! Step off the trail when people are passing. Move your dog away and keep everyone safe. If your dog sucks (which really just means you suck) it is your responsibility to move, no matter what trail etiquette says at that point.

I was crushing (ha!) a downhill the other day and had to stop dead in my tracks as a woman and her daughter grabbed there dog to put it on leash (frantically I may add). Ok, fine, you made a poor choice having your poorly behaved dog off leash. Now why OH WHY did you need to stand in the middle of the trail to get your dog on the leash? Why could you not scoot off the trail and handle your business. Why did my dog and I have to wait while you handled your stupidity? Even better was you then decided to continue walking (not just letting me pass politely) and allowed your dog to pull toward mine repeating “oh you just want to say hi don’t you”. NO! I am RUNNING.  See, RUNNING HERE! My dog is doing work and does not stop to “say hi” while we are running. My dog will bite your dog though if she feels I am threaten, good plan there.

Look, I get mistakes, but there are way too many terrible dog owners. It’s not cute or funny that your dog doesn’t listen, it’s being a terrible owner. I refuse to be polite to these people, I mostly just ignore and go about my run. When my children are involved there is a chance I will be downright rude if your dog comes running toward us. Deal with it. My children are taught to lie to people when they are walking/running with Piper and I’m not around (I let them lie to adults!?!?). No our dog is not friendly, don’t come near me she will bite you, and ALWAYS over react when Piper becomes interested in someone like she really wants to kill them. Will she bite someone? Maybe. Early in my pregnancy she began growling at men she didn’t like on the trail. She is a wonderful dog, but part of her job is protecting. She doesn’t need random people petting her as she works and the kids need to feel like she is there to care for them, not make other people happy.

In conclusion, just stay out of the pregnant angry lady’s way with your crappy dog, but maybe you should just stop sucking as an owner.

And now my adorable well behaved Piper! (well mostly well behaved…)



Categories: Running | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 13 Comments

Causing a Scene on the Trail

I usually run when no one is on the trail,  just how it ends up working out. Every so often I get a stare or kind word, but mostly it’s a lonely go for Miss Piper Dog and I. Yesterday being a holiday for some reason did not compute with me that the trails would be busy (not that I really care…). Well hello crazy looks and second glances! Apparently a pregnant woman on the trail running is weird, a bunch of kids on the trail running is weird, put them together and it’s an alien envasion!

I haven’t really run with my little people in a while… I think I’ve just been in my own world. We have hiked and done some running, but it didn’t ever feel like a real run. This week I got in 4 or so miles with Tea and felt awesome about it, then decided while Tru was occupied to get in some mountain time with the others. Let me tell you, keeping up with a crew of 6-12 year olds is hard work at 35 weeks pregnant! They were nice and waited for my often, but man did they drop me as soon as they started rolling (even little Ten)! I was a pretty proud Momma as they all rocked the trail. Little Tenny took a rough turn right in front of some hikers and ate it hard! She popped up and started running again as I (40 feet behind) got the death stare from said hikers! Eh, it happens. So 3 miles with my people and I’m feeling slower then ever, but pretty complete…

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34 weeks?

Where has the time gone?! I feel moments of “damn am I done yet?!” And moments of extreme terror “can this baby stay in forever?!?!” All my Littles are more then ready to meet their new brother or sister, and we do have 2 outfits… soooo… what else do we need?


Boy or girl? What’s your guess??


Yup, I’m still at it. Sloooooow goes it with moments of abrupt stops, hands on knees, and very loud “FUUUUUCK”‘s. It happens. There is very clearly a head down low which causes some interesting pains at times, but it’s very well worth it. My golden miles are usually 4-6, I feel great and can really run! But well… then things get interesting…

Strava’s Monday-Sunday just seems silly at this point. I decided to count my weekly miles in my pregnant weeks. Thursday, the first day at 34 weeks, I ran 7 miles and yesterday I did 3.9. By next Wednesday I will have my 30 miles for the week, no matter how slow those miles may be.

What’s funny about “slow” is I love encouraging new runners. My mantra of “it doesn’t matter how fast you are, lets enjoy the view” I really do believe. But I suppose its always harder to look at  yourself and be patient. Everyone I have ever run with and walked happily with up each hill, I loved it. I really do believe being a “runner” is a mindset and no matter how fast (or slow) you move you are still a runner, I promise to try and be more patient with myself as I have done with so many other.


I feel like there is a huge misunderstanding with the outward and public strength I show. My “it’s ok” “just a moment in life” and “i’ve got this” stand is true, but that does NOT mean I am OK with the situation. I do not have a choice but to continue to move forward and handle my life. I do not have the luxury (or misfortune) of being able to avoid responsibilities. I can’t run around (ha, run) and pretend I’m not about to have a new little human. I am a Mom. When I tell you “I’m good, I’ve got this” I really do, but that does not justify or gloss over the behavior of others.

But really, I’ve got this 🙂



These legs get extra love… or freezing pools..

Categories: Running | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Running While Pregnant

It’s basically a disability. When you mention it to non runners they freak out. Clearly moving your body at an increased speed must be dangerous! Don’t even both mentioning how much you are running, or thats its on trails, or that you are alone 99% of the time. “Yes I always carry my phone”. Truth be told, my phone stays charged for little to no time so most the time its pretty useless out there…

I didn’t run much in the beginning of this pregnancy. I really just wasn’t feeling like it, and I was ok with that. Looking at my Strava (thank goodness I didn’t have to use my pregnant brain to think on this one) I started posting my runs in September, so 4 months ~ish (pregnant brain). It started out slow, and then I just started to feel good! I would walk when I wanted, be patient with my belly when it wasn’t feeling it, and tried to not care about my pace. Don’t get me wrong, some days I was down right mad I couldn’t even drop into an 8 some pace for a minute, but other days I could rock it. So what did it really matter? Who was I competing with? Myself mostly, and inner demons that need their own blog post… or 12 posts…

Everyone I meet and talk to about my Little Family talks about how patient I must be to have 5 kids, but I’m really not. This time the patience I was able to give myself paid off. Running became easier and eventually I hit 20 miles in a week, then 30 at 25 weeks pregnant! Not fast, not all “running” but 30 miles all the same. I was proud, happy, confident! And then someone hurt my feelings about where I was at in my running… and I cried (because thats what pregnant girls do)… and I sulked…. and had a terrible week of running. But then I remembered I really don’t give a shit what ANYONE thinks and I ran. Some weeks I can hit 30 miles, its kinda my goal, but some its just not going to happen and thats ok too!


Is an issue. I have fallen once and it was scary. I caught myself (thank you water bottle and phone) and the belly did not meet the ground. Thank goodness. But also, pregnant girls fall just walking. And I increasing the likelihood while on the trail? Yeah, but I’m also making myself happy by getting out there.. Give and Take? When its more technical I try and slow down, and when its pretty well groomed of a trail I let my legs go. If something bad happened, yes I would feel terrible, but there are risks in me just driving, or cleaning the cat box, I do the best I can to balance all. (Will someone please come clean the cat box for me?)


Lots of peeing… LOTS! I drink SOOO much while running right now and pee constantly. Sometimes on myself… it happens. Damn you downhill.


I can not eat. At all. I never feel hungry (even if inout for 3 hours or more) and when I get back home I still can’t fit food in the belly. It sucks, I wish I could eat!

Also, I have to wear 2 sports bras- EVIL!

I’m hoping to run until the end. Maybe sticking closer to home at some point so as not to give birth on the trail… though that could be kinda fun…



Categories: Pregnant Running, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , | 1 Comment

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